Café Swotha
For an unusually classy and delectable take on traditional Nepali cuisine, visit Café Swotha near Patan Durbar Square in Lalitpur, just...

The road to Pokhara
I woke up at sunrise to catch the bus to Pokhara—no easy feat for a nocturnal scribe. I was so dizzy and groggy and befuddled that I left...

Adventures in Faffmandu
faff (dialectal, British): a. (verb) to do things in a disorganized manner and without accomplishing very much. ("Stop faffing about and...

Landing in Kathmandu: Part Two
I arrived in Kathmandu on the birthday of the Buddha and the city was alive with celebration. I climbed down from the plane into a heat...

Landing in Kathmandu: Part One
Mount Everest as seen from Drukair2 PLW edit CC BY-SA 2.0 The journey from Guilin was a comedy of errors that lasted for 16 hours. It was...